Lemonade's Blog

Monday, October 30, 2006

Well, this weekend was pretty exciting... boring .... except for one incident on Saturday. We were invited to dinner at our neighbours, which was a yummy Korean dish... with lots of veggies. :p Anyway, it got dark, it started to rain, then it started to snow, and then it really started to snow. Not normally really an issue, except our neighbour's driveway is like 2 miles long and a freshly put in logging road. The last bit going down to their house is very steep and winding. Our truck didn't have winter tires on yet, so by the time we realized we should probably hit the road if we ever want to make it out, it was one big mud puddle topped with fluffy white stuff.
Our neighbour luckily has a winch on his truck, so he drove ahead and winched us up his hill and then left us to fight the rest of the 1.9 miles on our own. Well, not really.. he said he would follow us out to the road to see if we made it, but I never saw him following us. He probably got stuck and turned around. :p When we got on the road (an old logging road), we barely made it along that one as well. Then, when we got onto the main road (Big Bar Rd) a gravel road itself, we thought we might get into our beds that night after all.
Once we got into our driveway... we found out it was one mud puddle with fluffy white stuff.... with half-frozen ruts! I'll let you imagine the rest.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Snow!!!!!!! It's here! Run! Time to migrate to Mexico!
Okay, okay.. it's not really that much yet, and it's only out at Big Bar, but that's where I live, so at least I'm against it.. sorta. Did that make any sense? bleh I didn't get much sleep the last few days so I'm kind of not all there.. or here. >.> I can't wait to get to PE in... two minutes... to get warm - I'm freezing!
I want my bed..... zzzzzzzzzzzzz -_-

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

As if it's not enough that it's close to snowing outside, but no, the air conditioning has to be on in the computer lab non-stop as well. What's worse, the best computers are right in front of the vent. So it's either risk slow comp madness or freeze. Nice line-up of choices, eh?
I'm on the Layout team for this month's Newsletter, so hand me a parka, please.... and maybe that skidoo mask, too!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Yay!!!!! The Canoe Creek bus is going to keep running for November! The Board is also going to keep sending funding for the rest of the school year if the reserve can find a smaller bus to run instead of the one they have right now. I didn't think a smaller bus size than our current one existed. :O That might get kind of scary. >.>
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that somewhere there's a bus out there that no one else needs and CC can buy..... That would be so very very awesome ^_^

Somebody brew me a pot of gingko tea 'cause i seem to have forgotten to do just about everything on my to do list this weekend. (Gingko's supposed to be good for memory loss.) I forgot that my room was a pig staigh and i've been meaning to clean it for a while, but it keeps slipping my mind .... I forgot to remind my mom (for the 5th time may i add) to write down her recipe for potato salad for the grad cookbook.. and pecan cake and... what was the other one? grr I forgot to write a pen pal. I forgot to do my laundry. Oh yea! I just remembered that i forgot to remind myself to finish writing out my recipe for veggie chili! >.<

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wildlife around Big Bar seems to have been diversified over night. Yesterday, a white ferret ran across my path. Last night a moose hurried off the road when we were coming back from town. This morning two more moose, a mother and her little one, jumped from one ditch to the other in front of the school bus, a Fisher was sitting in a leafless aspen close to Haller's place, and just before the bus went by the Tower Ranch, a badger shot into the bushes at the side of the road. You could just identify it as a badger - it was extremely fast and the black and white were blurring. My bus ride apparently has turned into a wildlife park tour!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

On the bus after school yesterday, the driver handed out copies of a letter that contained some scary news. Canoe Creek isn't getting enough funding from the Ministry of Education to keep on running the bus on the CC to Clinton route. I live 50 minutes out of town, on this route, and the bus is my only way of getting to school. The last day the bus will run is Oct 27th. I have no idea yet how I'm going to get to school and back everyday after that date.
I've homeschooled since grade 1 and am now in public school for grade 12. I really want to complete my last year of highschool in public school and graduate at DSS. Since the bus driver wasn't told about what will happen after the 27th, I'm going to try and get more info by myself. I'm very anxious to find out whether or not the bus will be replaced by Canoe Creek's school van, which they upgraded from to the bus in the first place.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Usually Thanksgiving is warm and all about the family getting together. This year's Thanksgiving was far from anything used to describe the average harvest celebration.
First, my sister couldn't visit this year. Even though my parents, brother and I are all family, my sis is the one who makes us.. come together, and makes the whole occasion a lot more fun.
This year, we didn't have a traditional turkey dinner because we recently moved and are just building, and everything's not really set up for having a "normal" celebration.
Due to several recent events, my parents, bro and I were also not in such a great mood. Our family hasn't been as close lately as it used to be. My parents were picking at eachother for all of the long weekend, my brother was quite grumpy, and I pretty much kept to my disgruntled self and ate a lot of cookies, waiting for Tuesday and school to start again.