Lemonade's Blog

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

On the 25th and 26th, the students of DSS need to participate in school-wide Student Led Conferences. This is an opportunity for students to tell their parents about assignments from every class, how they're doing, and what their plan is to improve. We have to fill out three sheets for each class and choose three assignments to go with those sheets so we can have something to talk about during our conferences. I think these conferences should be taking place between teachers and students instead of parents and students because most parents could care less what their kids are doing in school, as long as they get good grades. Either way helps students make plans to improve, but I still think conferences with teachers would make a lot more sense.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The grade elevens and twelves just had a cheese tasting lab in Foods. There were seven different cheeses, including smoked Gouda, goat cheese, blue cheese, and Le Petit St. Paul. My favourite one was the smoked Gouda. Mmm, so good. The goat cheese was yummy, too, but I think it needs to be spread thinly on toast. We had it in big chunks and it kinda just got more and more in your mouth - it's a very rich cheese. The blue cheese was extremely disgusting! I don't know why it's called blue cheese if it has green mold spotted throughout. Yuck! The taste was quite over-powering, and it smelled like a pile of manure. :S At least we had grape juice and crackers to wash the taste away!
I can't believe the grad trip is only a few weeks away. Grad is in abit more than two months. It's unreal. I really need to get my grad pictures done. My parents aren't very aware of that; they're just panicking that I'm graduating and moving out and stuff. I'm only graduating, I'm not going on a one-way trip to Mars! Geez.
Anyway, I got a part-time job at the Big Bar Guest Ranch until July, and full-time after grad. Which is great, because I have one less thing to worry about. It's a really friendly atmosphere and everything; I'm looking forward to starting full-time.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

It still doesn't seem to want to be Spring. I'm starting to think we're not getting a summer this year! I want to see the flowers blooming and the grass all green and everything, but so far all we've had is about a cm of new grass that got snowed on 2 inches yesterday. Blah! The sky's always gray and more and more trees are turning brown and the scenery is more than depressing when you look out of our living room window. We didn't get to sample cheese and wine (cranberry juice) in Foods either today; we had a test instead. Wow, what a sad blog. Well, I suppose I do have something positive to say: I finally got the fabric for my grad dress. It isn't exactly the colour I wanted, but it's pretty close. It's a lighter lime-green, but it's got a nice texture and looks like it'll be good to work with. I haven't decided what I'm going to do with the back yet.. zipper or lace-up. A zipper would probably be easier to sew in, but lace-up would look prettier. I dunno. I guess I need to sleep on it for a few more days. TGIT 'cause tomorrow's Friday and there's no school, so if I decide in my sleep tonight, I might start on it tomorrow. ^_^ Oh! Max and Nena are huge and fluffy and they're behaving better, too. Anyway, that's all that's new in my world. Exciting, huh? Have a good weekend end!

Friday, April 13, 2007

It's supposed to be SPRING! But it snowed this morning, and it's getting colder again. grrr! I'm so glad it's the weekend though, sleeping in seems to make even a cold "Spring" seem unimportant. Oh well. My Friday was saved as soon as our Foods room was filled with the delicate aroma of cinnamon and apples and melting cheddar. Mmmmm! We made Apple Cheese Muffins. The way the dough looked before we put it in the oven, I thought they'd be hard and chewy, but they actually turned out extremely nummy. I'm going to think of them every now and then through-out the rest of the day to brighten it. ^_^ hehe Have a good weekend peeps!

Here's my rule of thirds picture. There's horizontal, vertical, as well as diagonal sections (from bottom left to top right). I like the vertical thirds best.

This is my zoom picture for Writing. It's of the Clipper mosaic by the front exit.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Let's see... nothing much has been happening... except for tons and tons and tons.. and tons.. of homework. Woot! >.> I wish we still had PE, at least the gr 12's could get rid of a bit of stress and anxiety by kicking softballs.. and teammates. :o Grad is only two and a half months away! I'm so happy that all the homework will be no more. I know, I know, there will be other responsibilities and everything, but at least you only work 9 to 5 and come home and cook dinner, and then you can go to bed and SLEEP! Double woot! mwuahahaha zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Okay, I said I was going to write more on the environment, so here are some things to help you make this planet a better place to live.

Don't just recycle, reuse:
- water/juice bottles: buy one, refill it at home until it wears out
- plastic bags: don't throw them out, keep them and use for garbage bags or bring them back to the store next time you go grocery shopping
- cardboard boxes: use for your own crafts or donate to a kindergarten for theirs, organize your shelves, store your shoes, or make kitty a sleep dome

- Use reusable hard plastic containers instead of ziploc bags.
- Bring your drink in a water bottle or thermos and buy large juice containers instead of small ones with straws.
- Don't use plastic cutlery, bring your real stuff from home

To be continued....

There has been a lot of scary stories in the news lately (especially the last few weeks) about our environment. Some experts say we are heading towards a toasting, other's say Earth is going to be hit with the next ice age soon. Either way, if you just take a look outside and glance at the funny weather we've been having, you'll be able to tell that something is inching closer (either global warming or freezing), and it does not look pleasant. There are much more freak forecasts than ever around the world, and at home it's not so rosy either. I come on, -20C in April? Something's wrong here.
But I guess you only have to look around your immediate surroundings to see the problem. We put way too much stress on our poor little planet! I know it sounds corny, but Earth isn't as big as everyone thinks. And with 6 billion people now, as well as the rate of growth skyrocketing every year, there isn't enough room to pump all that CO2. then again, why would you want to pump it anywhere? How long do we think we're going to survive here if we keep this up? Statistics show that asthma and respiratory infections are increasing dramatically in and around all urban centres of ALL sizes. All it takes is a small amount of poison. Take the paper mill in Kamloops for example. Imagine 700, 000 of those mills on a river (the Yellow River in China to be exact, pumping ALL of their waste into the river. There is no way all of it will get filtered by the soil, so it goes into the ocean, ingested by fish and plants, which in turn get eaten by us... goes into the water cycle, rains back down on farmer's crops and cow's fields, which spreads the toxins to our produce, meat and dairy products. And that's just a SMIDGEN of the big picture. Yummy, eh?
So, I've decided I'm going to write about the health of our planet more often from now on. Maybe it will persuade all of us (including me) to take better care of the ONLY place we have to call home.