No doubt all grade 12ers are getting more excited - and nervous - about grad. I know i definitely am. There are only 4 months left! That's including spring break and weekends and everything. Scary, isn't it? It doesn't seem real.. and yet in 120 days, there's going to be no homework left to do, no assignments to stress over, no fieldtrips, no blogging. Well, that's not entirely true, I guess some of us are going on to college and will then get back into the whole homework and assignment thing, and if we want to go on a fieldtrip, we can drive ourselves (and don't have to take notes and be in bed by 10). I think I will continue to blog, and I hope everyone in Writing will do so, too. It woud be cool to stay in touch and see what's happening in everyone's life after school. Right now I'm not 100% sure where I'm going to be, or if I'll be going to college in the fall or wait a year or two. I do want to become a fashion designer sometime in the future, but I don't know if that's the first thing I want to do. The first thing I'm going to do when I grad, is.. you guessed it - sleep! Yay, freedom.... in an ironic sort of way. Anyway, what do you want to do when you graduate? What's the first thing you are going to do when you wake free?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
JELLY ROLLS!!! Mmmmm! Today in foods we made one big, jam-packed (raspberry), spongy, delicious jam roll! And Kait even shared her left-over lemon meringue pie as well. :P That, and the fact that it's Friday, has put me in a very happy mood today. :) I can't wait until I get to go home and sleep (yes, I know I talk a lot about sleep, but it's my favourite hobby ;) ) I hope I don't get too much homework, I really need some time to work on my Family Studies and Portfolio. Puppy Update: Max's face completely changed overnight yesterday; he looks totally different.. elongated! Him and Nena both grew.. probably 3 inches in height this week. They follow me everywhere and they're increasing their extremely-good-lil-angel-ness. ^_^ Anyhow, that's all I can think of right now. Have a good weekend peeps!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
This week has been going by fairly slowly. But on the other hand, it's already Thursday, so the weekend looms! In Chem12 we've been shooting a video on workplace safety, which has been a little fun... The last two days there have been professors and academic advisers visiting for lectures from TRU and Selkirk. The slide shows were kind of interesting - I liked the one on Indonesia (monkeys!) - but none of the colleges really offer anything I would want to take. I can't wait until Foods next Monday, I think that's when we get to bake our cake! :D
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Shock alert! The people we got our puppies from told us they were both boys. We found out a few days ago that.... they're not. hehe One is a girl! :D So I named her Nena. Now it's Nena and Max. They're growing really rapidly and liking their new home more everyday. Nena listens to 'sit' and her and Max both respond to 'down' already! And they're only 3 months! And they sleep on top of each other, and chew on the same stick at the same time, and wag their tails in circles, and Max has a poof on his head, and Nena has the cutest lil' ears! hehe Okay, that's it for today. :) Happy Valentine's Day people!
Friday, February 09, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007

I have absolutely no - NO - idea.. what.. I'm.. doing. I told myself that my last semester of highschool would not contain any courses to make it ify whether I'd graduate or not (since my credits are already just the minimum). And guess what I ended up with? English 12, Math 11P, Chemistry 12, Foods 12, Writing 12, and I'm taking Family Management 11 by correspondence. The distance ed. school I was with before never sent me a Grad Portfolio package thingy, so I still have all of my Portfolio to do before the end of June. I am so scared of the load of homework I'm going to have! I'm not even here today.. I'm totally on another planet... I'm so freaked out I'm in a trance.. I'm.. AHHHH!!! Tell me something other than staying up until 2 every night is going to come of this... something good. Please! >.> *drifts off into a nightmare*